Opening night party at Transporterraum NYC Studio. L-R Landlord Rick Robinson, Best pal Chad Swahnberg, Manny Hadlock– studio ace, Me, Joe Hadlock who built out our studio, and Jimmy Goodman, my partner. Photo by Anne Hadlock, my musical partner in Absinthee, and aesthetic designer of this studio

MY EAST VILLAGE in the year 2001. Top row L-R: Doll Lamp and SG in Transporterraum, Astor Place, Psychedelic view of East Village Next row L-R: My grandpa Jack’s microscope on bookshelf of Transporterraum NYC, Cooper Union where my grandpa Jack went to night school, Search & Destroy– Japanese Punk Rock shop on St Marks Place. Next row L-R: The ultra chic 2A BAR, kitty corner from our studio, amazing blue building (first it was the Dom, Velvet Underground/ Andy Warhol/ Exploding Plastic Inevitable place, Then the Electric Circus psychedelic rock concert hall, then the All Crafts, a 24 hour 12-step program meeting place for addicts and junkies), Gem Spa.. my fave! candy magazines and cigarettes,,,, also chocolate egg creams (a drink) Next row L-R: Pyramid Club, coolest place in the 1980’s, Drag Queen center, and where I first saw Nirvana play. Cool music publishing building side, near Astor Place, Window of Trash & Vaudeville. Next row L-R Soft Ice Cream Cones, Continental rock club / bar, green tint on Avenue A. Bottom row L-R: Eden and Lizzy, Johnny “Rocker” Strahm, Anne Hadlock, Kenyon Phillips. these 4 photos by Anne Hadlock… all the rest, mine.